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The exhilarating true story of the unsung pioneers who blazed a pathway towards a new era of female aviation...
On a clear morning in 1912, Harriet Quimby had a vision--she would become the first woman to fly solo across the English Channel.
Ohio's Lake Erie wineries and vineyards are rooted in tradition. European immigrants settled on the Lake Erie islands and nearby shoreline in the mid-1800s, and the grape industry flourished in Ohio into the early 20th century.
Lake Michigan's Aircraft Carriers is the story of the USS Wolverine and the USS Sable, two Great Lakes excursion ships converted for use as aircraft carrier training during World War II.
The kidnapping and murder of Charles Lindbergh Jr. and the subsequent arrest, trial, and execution of Bruno Richard Hauptmann have intrigued true crime buffs for decades.
Upon Silver Wings: Global Adventure in a Small Plane
Follow CarolAnn and Carol as they circumnavigate this world of ours in 8 days.
CarolAnn Garratt, a world record holder on a solo flight around the world, flies around the globe raising money for an awareness of motor neuron disease because her mother died from that illness.
Betty Gillies: WAFS Pilot, The Days and Flights of a World War II Squadron Leader Author Sarah B. Rickman - Signed Paperback
By Wally Funk as told to Loretta Hall. Foreword by Eileen Collins. Paperback.
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