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Author Jessica Cox was born without arms but didn't let that stop her from overcoming many obstacles in life. *Copies are autographed by author.
By author Jennifer Bean - “North Carolina Aviatrix Viola Gentry The Flying Cashier.” Viola was N Carolina’s first licensed female pilot. She flew under both the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges and went on to set the first officially recorded women’s solo endurance flight record. She became friends with all of the well known early pioneers of aviation and...
WASP of the Ferry Command is the story of the women ferry pilots who flew more than nine million miles in 72 different aircraft—115,000 pilot hours—for the Ferrying Division, Air Transport Command, during World War II.
Written by Ann Otto Life changes for the Hartle siblings when their prosperous parents die suddenly in 1901. Now it's 1908 and the three oldest—Anna, Addison and Purl—have come of age and use their generous inheritance to leave their small Ohio village.
This book from the Images Series from Arcadia Publishing is the third to be written by Tom Matowitz, Cleveland native. Since the dream of flight was finally realized by two Ohioans, Wilbur and Orville Wright, it is little wonder that Greater Clevelanders were quick to embrace it...
Duty Called, Cleveland Answered, some of the many stories of how Clevelanders supported the war efforts. Written by Plain Dealer reporter Brian Albrecht and James Banks of the Cuyahoga County College.
Written by Sarah Byrn Rickman, award-winning author.
This is the story of an uncommon woman--high school cheerleader, campus queen, airplane pilot, wife, mother, politician, business-woman--who epitomizes the struggles and freedoms of women in 20th-century America, as they first began to believe they could live full lives and demanded to do so.
World War II brought to young women an unprecedented opportunity to fly military aircraft for their country and make an important contribution to the outcome of the war.
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