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Celebrate Harriet Quimby the first American Woman to earn a pilot's license with a poster depicter her in her trademark purple satin flying suit. 17x22 inches
Beautiful cobalt blue mugs- bistro style- with the IWASM logo on them. Perfect for your coffee, tea or hot chocolate. Makes a great gift!! Support the museum with your purchase today!
From the Legend of Pancho Barnes DVD.
$250 Donation - Support the Museum - Donate Today
In 1961, 13 women were recruited and successfully underwent the same psychological and physiological tests as the members of the Mercury 7. However, the non-NASA sanctioned testing was abruptly cancelled in October of that same year. None of the women ever flew to space...UNTIL 2021!
In WWII, 918 brave and bright young women known as the Curtiss-Wright Cadettes were trained at seven topnotch universities to design airplanes. Their work helped salvage the Curtiss-Wright Airplane Company from its own engineering deficiencies in a time of national crisis. But the records of their participation in the wartime aviation industry were...
$500 Donation- Support the Museum- Donate today!
Become an International Member of IWASM! Commit to a 2-year membership and save 10%. Promotion automatically applied at checkout.
Harriet Quimby 1st Day cover issued April 16, 1993 in Dayton, OH.
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$10 Donation to IWASM $10.00
IWASM Playing Cards - Aerospace $10.00
Peggy Whitson Patch $20.00
Student/Senior (65+) Membership $30.00
Individual Membership $50.00
$25 Donation to IWASM $25.00
$100 Donation to IWASM $100.00
$50 Donation to IWASM $50.00
Patch- IWASM Logo $4.00
Harriet Quimby Poster $5.00
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